Whether you spend a lot of time cooking large meals, or have children and pets, accidents and spills are bound to happen. It’s important to think practically when it comes to your design choices. When looking for window treatments that are easy to clean, metal, wood, or faux wood blinds are often recommended. But what if you’re looking for something a little softer, or want to add a pop of color to your room? While it’s crucial to consider the cleanability of window treatments, you shouldn’t need to sacrifice style! If worry-free, stylish décor is something you are interested in, The Shade Store is here to help! They carry a line of high-performance, stain-resistant fabrics, called the Sunbrella® Ventana Collection™.
decades, Sunbrella has been designing long-lasting products with robust
performance characteristics with both indoor and outdoor applications in mind. Last
year, The Shade Store established a partnership with Sunbrella® to bring this same
sought-after quality to the world of custom window treatments. Each fabric that
is a part of the Sunbrella® Ventana Collection™ has been carefully handwoven
with stain-resistant fibers, making it perfect for everyday life!
Keeping your window treatments clean is easy thanks to the Sunbrella® Ventana Collection™, and it can be done without the use of pricey products! The best way to keep your window treatments looking good as new is to wipe up spills or clean off dirt as soon as possible. For liquid spills, blot with a clean and dry cloth. For oil-based spills, apply an absorbent, like corn starch, and then remove with a straight edge. After the spill has been cleaned, treat with a mild solution of dish soap and water. Rinse the fabric thoroughly to remove any soap residue, and allow it to air-dry.
from the high-performance nature, quality, and durability of the fabrics, the
Sunbrella® Ventana Collection™ is also beautifully designed. The Shade Store
offers six materials and 45 colors for you to choose from, available for Roman
Shades, Drapery, and Cornices. No matter what your style is, they are bound to
have something perfect for you!
The Shade Store has 55+ nationwide
showrooms. Stop on by to see the Sunbrella® Ventana Collection in person You may
also request
a free catalog, or give their expert Design Consultants a
call to learn more at (800) 754-1455.
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